Connecting External Calendars to GrowthMap

Connecting Google, Outlook or iCal to Your GrowthMap™ Account

To ensure accurate availability when booking appointments in GrowthMap™, you may want to connect 3rd party calendars for you and your team. Supported calendars that you can sync with GrowthMap™ include:

  • Google Calendar (preferred)
  • iCal (with your iCloud account)
  • Outlook

Connecting your calendar allows for automatic syncing of appointments, checking for conflicts and avoiding double bookings. Additionally, some teams choose to push appointments from GrowthMap™ to an external calendar such as Google Calendar or Apple Calendars, so team and clients have an easy way to view meetings and appointments without having to login to the GrowthMap™ CRM.

Steps to integrate your calendar app with GrowthMap™

  1. Visit Settings → My Profile in your GrowthMap™ account
  2. Scroll down to the Calendar Settings and click on + Add New
  3. Choose the type of calendar to connect (Google, iCal, Outlook, etc.).
  4. Follow the prompts to sign in and grant access to LeadConnector to connect the calendar.
  5. Once connected, go back to Settings → My Profile to view the calendar settings.
  6. Under Calendar Settings → Calendar Configuration you can choose which calendars you want to Link with your GrowthMap™ account and which calendars you want GrowthMap™ to check for Conflicts

Each individual user must connect their own calendar, as admins cannot connect calendars on behalf of others. If you are an Admin of your GrowthMap™ account, you may want to be the first person to login and setup these connections when first creating a new User account for your team. See how to Add New GrowthMap™ Users HERE.

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